Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Emotional Fitness

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I am a very emotional person.  I always have been, but to be almost brought to tears while walking on the treadmill takes emotional to a whole new level.

If you have been following my blog then you know about my decision to make a lifestyle change toward eating right and exercising.  In case you haven't, you can read about the start of my journey here and you can read about my first treadmill "revelation" here

For the past three and a half weeks I have been walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes, 5 times a week.  Each week it has gotten a little easier, but I struggled for most of the first three weeks.  My focus has been to get to the halfway point - 15 minutes.  I came to realize that if I make it to the half way point  my legs do not hurt as much and I only have 15 minutes left.

As I started on the treadmill last Friday, I encouraged myself to just get past the halfway point.   I assumed that I still had a ways to go before I reached the halfway point, because my legs had not started hurting the way they usually do.  When I looked at the timer I had 12 minutes left to go.   I had passed the 15 minute mark and hadn't realized it.  All I could say was, "Thank you God!"  Then, this overwhelming feeling of joy came over me and I praised God again for getting me to the point where exercise was becoming bearable.  I almost cried because in that moment He gave me the confidence and reassurance that I can do this.

If you has ever struggled with consistently exercising and then finally getting to the point where you look forward to doing it verses dreading it, then you understand why I was so emotional.  I am looking forward to jogging which I never had before.  However, I will continue to take it one day at a time, one step at a time.  I have always believed that with God anything is possible.  I just didn't believe in me.  I now know that I was unsuccessful because God was not part of the equation.  I am so glad that I have asked for His help in this part of my life journey.


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